Couple's Comfort Measures Class
$219 includes access to our online gallery of comfort cues, video teachings, and pdf handouts.
Our Couple's Comfort Measures Class takes place in the privacy of your own home, and teaches your partner how to provide steady, hands-on support for when you need it most. This 2-hr session includes a brief overview of the different stages of labor, hands-on comfort measures practice, self regulated pain relief techniques, and more! By the end of our session, you’ll have a plan in place for your big day- complete with plenty of tips and tricks for labor. All couples are gifted a set of our comfort cue cards- the perfect traveling cheat sheet!
What kind of comfort measures will I learn?
Heat / Cold Therapy
Positioning for Mom and Baby
How to Use a Birth Ball / Peanut Ball
Massage Tools, Tricks and Techniques
Counter-pressure and The Hip Squeeze
How to Utilize Your 5 Senses to Lesson Pain
Rebozo for Intimacy and Massage
If I want an epidural, can I still take this class?
Yes! This class is great for all pregnant mothers and families!
You will be able to use what you learn in our session to help ease labor discomfort until you are ready to receive an epidural. Mothers who use our techniques are more comfortable while laboring at home and are able to receive their epidurals later in labor, speeding the birthing process. Many mothers use these techniques weeks before labor even begins, finding relief from the common aches and pains associated with pregnancy.
*This lesson is geared towards women and their partners, but we encourage anyone to join. Children are welcomed! Please note that if they are still lap babies, they will need someone to look after them as both mom and dad will be busy getting hands-on practice.
“It is very convenient to have a class in your own personal space and almost unbelievable that the price is what it is. Your tips for labor saved me during my contractions and prepared me to remain positive during such an unimaginable time. Thanks to you I was able to stay home until 8cm and my partner used all the tips you gave us to help me breathe and focus until it was time for baby to come. If I did anything right during my pregnancy it was taking your course. Thank you for everything!”